Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Boracay Bikinis

I refuse to think that summer is over. I know that tropical storm Bebang just ravaged parts of Luzon but I am hoping against hope that the sun will shine again. If it does rain, I hope it won't be another tropical depression coz it can get... depressing, you know. Maybe that's why it's called 'depression'... hmm. Teehee.

Anyhoo, to ward off any heavy rainfall this time of the month, I am bombarding my universe will some bikini and beachwear shots taken in Boracay. Unfortunately, they are mostly photos of myself wearing a bikini top since I didn't have anybody else to shoot, nor did I have someone else to take photos of me most of the time. When my hubby Peter did come for a visit, I was having my period so I really couldn't go all the way. I did snorkel though! But that's another story. More photos below... ^_^

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