Thursday, January 27, 2011

Smurfs Backpack from Clipper

I didn't realize that I wasn't able to blog about one of the few things I bought last New Year --- a Smurfs backpack from Clipper!

Peter and I found ourselves at Festival Mall to buy materials for my soap making adventure. After getting everything we needed, we were just supposed to go to Goldilocks to have a hearty lunch when we passed by Clipper and Peter wanted to see some backpacks. He actually bought one for himself, a much bigger version of my Smurfs backpack, but with superhero characters as the design.

Then I thought I would need one too especially since I plan to travel light this summer for my 6-week stay in Boracay. So, I browsed their entire backpack collection until I saw one that screamed "Buy me! Buy me!"

Smurfs and I go a long way back. They're one of my most favorite cartoon characters while growing up. I guess it was because I related a lot to Smurfette in a vain and self-absorbed kind of way to the point that even my college blockmates used to call me Smurfette because I always seemed to be living in my own little bubble (I still do, hehe). No wonder when I saw the smurfs on the bag, I immediately bought it.

So that's the story of my Smurfs backpack. Can't wait to introduce it to Boracay this summer. ^_^


  1. is there a website for the Clipper where you bought this?

  2. Not that I know of. I bought it at the store near my place.

  3. My son LOVES this bag and I can't find it anywhere lol, i found Clipper on Facebook but they haven't gotten back to me, thanks!


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